In Dragon Face, you must capture the opponent's Emperor to win. Each player starts the game with one Emperor (which moves like a King in Chess), six Ambassadors (which move like a Queen) and seven Governors (who move straight or diagonally forward one square at a time).
Players alternate turns. If you jump an opponent's piece, you capture it, flipping the piece so that it shows your color. That piece now belongs to you and can be moved by you on subsequent turns. Capture the opponent's Emperor, and you win. (The playing area is a 9x7 space with the pieces starting in the back two rows on each side. You can move a piece into the "Sacrifice Zone" – the exterior ring surrounding the playing space – in order to make a capture. Governors that do so remain out of play for the rest of the game, while an Ambassdor can be brought back into play by moving a Governor to the opponent's back line.)