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  • Godzilla Card Game

Godzilla Card Game

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The Godzilla Card Game uses the Chrono Clash turn and resource system, which allows players to strategically use their resources and accurately represents the flow of real battles, with momentum shifting from player to player as they choose the best time

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Number of Players: 2–4 Players

Playing Time: 30 Min

Ages: 6+

Complexity Rating: 2.00/5

The Godzilla Card Game uses the Chrono Clash turn and resource system, which allows players to strategically use their resources and accurately represents the flow of real battles, with momentum shifting from player to player as they choose the best time to throw their big moves! Lie in wait by setting sneaky traps for your opponent, or seize the initiative for a game-ending attack! The Chrono Clash system allows for players' favorite characters from different IPs to join the fray!

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