This choose-your-own-path, board game/novel hybrid, is an ambitious product whose story takes place in the Runecrest Valley, before the Dead King arrives. Play through the Valley of the Dead King (Volume I) in an entirely new way and experience the unfolding of a complex and epic story. Your heroes will be pulled into the narrative and will drive how the story unfolds based on the decisions and actions you make.
Players build their heroes in largely the same way they would during a standard game of the Valley of the Dead King. You'll use the same heroes throughout your entire adventure.
At the beginning of each chapter, you will find a map setup for that chapter and a series of Triggered Events, Chapter Statuses, and Campaign Items available to gain or unlock during play. After you set up your map and assemble your components, you'll read an opening narrative that sets the tone for your journey and propels you headfirst into your adventure. As you interact with more content in the game world, you'll experience varied and unique Chapter Passages that narrate your journey and provide you with choices on how to proceed. These choices will largely affect the course of your game during play.
Triggered Events (TE)
Triggered Events are moments where through the course of gameplay (landing on a special location, rolling especially well or poorly on a Stat Test, etc), you have triggered a narrative event. They are identified at the beginning of each chapter, based on the game phase in which they occur. Each chapter has its own list of TEs to be aware of and not all are related to your chapter objective. It is not expected for you to encounter all TEs in a single play-through. When a trigger occurs, the Triggered Event will specify which Chapter Passage to read.
Chapter Passages (CP)
Chapter Passages are numbered narrative moments that display the results of the decisions made during a Triggered Event. The Chapter Passages section of each chapter contains these moments, organized in a random environment for you to discover and read when instructed to do so. You will not know the outcome of your decisions until you make them. You will only know if a decision will take time to complete or not.
Heroic Moments
Within the confines of the Campaign’s story, some heroes are capable of performing amazing feats and turning the tide of the narrative in ways that other heroes cannot. For example, heroes of the Healer Role Type may have an opportunity to save a dying NPC, or an ogre may be able to perform a feat of strength. These opportunities are called Heroic Moments. The text of a TE or CP will indicate when a Heroic Moment is possible, which Roles, Role Types, Races, or Aspects can take part, and what your special ability or choice will be.
Prequel: Trouble at the Gates
When a desperate man stumbles into your secluded shrine begging for someone to help save his kidnapped family, you are there to answer the call. Explore the nuances of the HEXplore It Campaign Mode system and experience a hint of the dangers awaiting in the full adventure.
Chapter 1: A Threat in Dragon's Port
A group of suspiciously organized goblins have stolen three priceless treasures from the Baron of Dragon's Port. Their retrieval will uncover a dark plot that threatens to envelop all of Runecrest Valley.
Chapter 2: Into the Wildlands
Dragon's Port was only the beginning. More allies and information are needed to face the coming goblin scourge, and that means braving a treacherous forest with deadly new occupants.
Chapter 3: Klik's Clutches
Following his latest assault, the self-proclaimed ruler of the goblins seeks even more power. Old allies and new will be needed to face this unique threat, but will it be enough?
Chapter 4: Descent into Madness
Klik's plans have boiled over with disastrous results. Now is the time to take a final stand and bring the fight to the goblins before the entire Valley falls to Klik's madness!
NPC Arcs
You'll meet various allies as your adventure unfolds. Each can help you in various ways. These optional side-quests will allow you to help them back in return.
What is required to play Klik's Madness?
Aside from this campaign book, you'll need The Valley of the Dead King Core box. The Valley of the Dead King Expansion and Living Card deck may also be used, but are not required to play. We present alternate options in the book wherever this optional material is referenced.